Heroes Now #2
Phoenix Productions
The Phoenix Productions hero anthology rolls on! In this issue:
- Cover and interior pinup by David Baf Gallart - I'm especially pleased to continue the "classic comics" homage cover theme started with Heroes Now #1's Youngblood homage. This time, David does his take on Kevin Maguire's timeless Justice League #1 cover. The pinup includes Laser-Disc and Accelerator!
- Two great looking pinups by Keith Newsome - One of Laser-Disc and one of The Light.
- The second installment of The Patriots -- "Getting to Know You" -- where we learn the backstory of the newest members of the team. Tony Lorenz (pencils) and Tom Ahearn (inks) deftly jump from war-torn Africa to the south side of Chicago to classic hero tales...all from a jet flying at 30,000 feet!
- A special treat, our new semi-recurring feature, the Hero Gallery! Legendary Marvel Comics cartoonist Fred Hembeck offers his sketch card-illustrated take on the classic Phoenix Productions characters! (The color renditions will be posted here at the website in the days ahead.)
- And in an inexcusable case of burying the lede, it's the return to comic sequential art after 20 years of Teri Sue Wood with an incredibly drawn Accelerator story -- "Active Shooter"! Our stay-at-home mom comes home from helping with storm victims in Iowa to a whole new set of challenges, both on her front doorstep and in her community! (Teri's artwork is available right now at the Gumroad Store in a special text-free format with a sprinkling of process art and a bonus TSW pinup.)
28 pages, full color cover wrap with black and white interiors. $4 + $1 postage.
Winner of the following 2023 United Fanzine Organization Awards:
- Best Publisher
- Best Comic Writer (Tom Fellrath)
- Best Sequential/Story Artist (Tony Lorenz)
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28 pages
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